Fredrik Kagerud




I am a happy gent who is energic, thoughtful, and enjoys being in groups as well as independently. As a fitness instructor you are the person in the center but also the part of the group.

 In my position as the European_Union(EU)-Chairman of EU-ATEX-AdCo (2009-2012), I represented all the European-Country-Public-Authorities. In meetings with the European-Commission, the EU-Industries and the EU-Notified-Bodies_EU-Certification-Test-Institutes. As an EU-Project Leader I led an EU-joint cross-border, ATEX market surveillance campaign (2010).

I have actively participated in various International Technical Standardisation Committees. The main aim are to ensuring that the produced standards fulfil all the EU-health and safety requirements, which are stated in the EU legislations.

Intertek SEMKO [International-Certification-Test-Institute], Kista 2021/5 – Current

Project Engineer - The work includes both practical tests and theoretical investigations, which often, lead to International-Product-Certification. 

Alfa Laval [Manufacturer of High-Speed-Separators], Tumba 2019/1 – 2020/1

Senior Compliance Specialist - Support the organization with technical compliance expertise. Creator of Technical-Report-Forms for International-Conformity-Standards.

Folkhälsomyndigheten [The Swedish Health-Safety-Public-Authority], Solna 2018/4 – 2018/9

Analyst - Developing Market Surveillance caused by New Legal requirements. Produced notification-form, regarding dangerous products, in English.

Kent Ruuth Konsult AB [Classification of Explosive-Hazard-Areas], Kristinehamn 2015/9 – 2018/3

Consultant - Technical Conformity Accreditation-Assessment (TCAA) of lead EU-certification-auditors.  TCAA of EU-Accredited-Notified and EU-Certified-Test-Institutes.

Elsäkerhetsverket [The Swedish Electrical-Safety-Public-Authority], Kristinehamn 2009/5 – 2015/8

Policy Officer / Electrical Engineer - EU-Chairman 2009-2012 of EU-ATEX-Adco, EU-Project leader. Member in the international and national standardisation committees.

European Commission [The European-Public-Authority], Brussels 2007/5 – 2009/4

National Expert / Policy Officer - Advised EU-Countries in implementation and management of EU Product Safety.Coordinated the Business International Recalls.

Elsäkerhetsverket [The Swedish Electrical-Safety-Public-Authority], Stockholm 1999/12-2007/4

Policy Officer / Electrical Engineer - Trained European Countries. Secretary in the Nordic Safety Council. Successfully translated the ATEX & LVD guidelines.

University Educational Courses

BSc in Electrical Engineering _ High-Power (184.5p), Mälardalen University (MDH) 1996/8-1999/6 

Environmental Certification and Sustainability 15p – Nackademin 2021

Intercultural Leadership – Advanced (7.5p), MDH 2010

Leadership as relation and communication Advanced (7.5p), MDH 2010

Leadership, Working Groups and Teams – Advanced (7.5p), MDH 2010

Strategic Development of Competence and Leadership – Advanced (7.5p), MDH 2010

Perspectives on Organisation and Leadership – Advanced (7.5p), MDH 2009

Competent Investigation methodology in accidents - Advanced (7.5p), KTH 2003

Manager, Chairman and Project Assignments

·       Manager of documentation, Kista, Intertek 2023.

·       Vice chairman, Kristinehamn, Friluftsfrämjandet 2013-2014.

·       EU-Chairman of EU-ATEX-Adco, Brussels, European Union, 2009-2012.

·       EU-Project-Leader of EU-ATEX, Brussels, European Union, 2010.

·       Marketing manager, Brussels, Friskis&Svettis, 2007-2009.

Complete profile see - [in] - LinkedIn right corner.

Fitness Instructor Training

  • Zumba instruction training completed in Sweden-Stockholm 2024

  • Zumba instruction training completed in Sweden-Stockholm 2020

  • Zumba instruction training completed in Denmark-Copenhagen 2011

  • Ki-Box instruction training completed in Sweden-Stockholm 2005

  • Aerobic instruction training completed in Sweden-Stockholm 2003

Fitness Instructor

  • Aerobic instructor - 150Hours - Ki-Box intention - Friskis&Svettis, Sweden-Karlstad 2009-2011

  • Aerobic instructor - 100Hours - Medium intention - Friskis&Svettis, Sweden-Karlstad 2009-2011

  • Aerobic instructor - 150Hours - Ki-Box intention - Friskis&Svettis, Belgium-Brussels 2007-2009

  • Aerobic instructor - 100Hours - Intensive intention - Friskis&Svettis, Belgium-Brussels 2008-2009

  • Aerobic instructor - 100Hours - Medium intention - Friskis&Svettis, Belgium-Brussels 2007-2008

  • Aerobic instructor - 300Hours - Ki-Box intention - Friskis&Svettis, Sweden-Stockholm 2005-2007

  • Aerobic instructor - 200Hours - Basic intention - Friskis&Svettis, Sweden-Stockholm 2003-2005

 Approximately in total: 1100Hours as an instructor.

  • Ki-Box intention: 600Hours

  • Intensive intention: 100Hours

  • Medium intention: 200Hours

  • Basic intention: 200Hours

Time and/or Shape

The motto, for the Employees.

  • Ledorden, för de anställda, bör genomsyra hela organisationen och även publiceras och offentliggöras så att kunderna vet vad organisationen egentligen står för och förverkligar/realiserar för kunderna.

  • The motto, for the employees, should permeate the entire organization and also be published and publicized so that the customers know what the organization really stands for and realizes/realizes for the customers.

  • Das Motto sollte für die Mitarbeiter die gesamte Organisation durchdringen und auch veröffentlicht und bekannt gemacht werden, damit die Kunden wissen, wofür die Organisation wirklich steht und was sie für die Kunden umsetzen.

  • La devise, destinée aux employés, doit imprégner l'ensemble de l'organisation et également être publiée et rendue publique afin que les clients sachent ce que l'organisation représente réellement et réalise pour les clients.

  • Para los empleados, el lema debe impregnar toda la organización y también debe publicarse y publicitarse para que los clientes sepan lo que la organización realmente representa y realiza para los clientes.

  • Il motto, per i dipendenti, dovrebbe permeare l'intera organizzazione ed essere anche pubblicato e pubblicizzato in modo che i clienti sappiano cosa rappresenta realmente l'organizzazione e cosa realizza/realizza per i clienti.

Here is one example:

  • Topp kunskapsbaserad

  • Top knowledge based

  • Top-Wissensdatenbank

  • Base de connaissances supérieure

  • Base de conocimientos superior

  • Base di conoscenza superiore


  • Det ska var hängslen, livrem och gärna korset.

  • There should be braces, waist belt and preferably the cross.

  • Es sollten Hosenträger, Hüftgurt und vorzugsweise das Kreuz vorhanden sein.

  • Il devrait y avoir des bretelles, une ceinture et de préférence une croix.

  • Debe haber tirantes, cinturón y preferiblemente una cruz.

  • Dovrebbero esserci bretelle, cintura in vita e preferibilmente la croce.

Capture and/or seize

  • Fånga och/eller omfamna [idén, dagen, tiden. Etc.]

  • Capture and/or seize [the idea, the day, the time. Etc.]

  • Erfassen und/oder ergreifen Sie [die Idee, der Tag, die Uhrzeit. Usw.]

  • Capturer et/ou saisir [l'idée, le jour, l'heure. Etc.]

  • Captar y/o apoderarse de [la idea, el día, la hora. Etc.]

  • Cattura e/o afferra [l'idea, il giorno, l'ora. Eccetera.]

Water is the source

  • Vatten är källan som påverkar och är effekten till allt liv.

  • Water is the source which affects and is the effect to all life.

  • Wasser ist die Quelle, die alles Leben beeinflusst und bewirkt.

  • L'eau est la source qui affecte et a un effet sur toute vie.

  • El agua es la fuente que afecta y es el efecto de toda la vida.

  • L'acqua è la fonte che influenza ed è l'effetto di tutta la vita.

Improve - VS - Enhance


  • Förbättra(Dåligt till Bra) – Försämra(Bra till Dåligt).

  • Improve(Bad to Good) – Impair(Good to Bad).

  • Verbessern (schlecht zu gut) – Beeinträchtigen(gut zu schlecht).

  • Améliorer (de mauvais à bon) – Diminuer (de bon à mauvais).

  • Mejorar(de malo a bueno) – Deteriorar(de bueno a malo).

  • Migliora(da cattivo a buono) – Compromette(da buono a cattivo).


  • Höja-Förbättra(Bra till Bäst) – Sänka-Försämra(Bäst till Bra).

  • Enhance(Good to Best) – Lower(Best to Good).

  • Erweitern(Gut bis Best) – Geringer(Best bis Gut).

  • Accroître(du bon au meilleur) – Réduire(du meilleur au bon).

  • Aumentar(bueno a mejor) – Inferior(mejor a bueno).

  • Aumentare(da buono a migliore) – Diminuisce (da migliore a buono).


SE - Tankar om LIVET - Det fundamentala I psykologi utgår från måendet hos individen.

  • Vad som rätt och riktigt för mig är inte nödvändigtvis rätt för dig, vice versa.

  • Som du ser dig själv är vad du projicerar till andra, och det är de andra ser och tydliggör vem du är.

  • Tänk Inte, Tänk Rätt.

  • Var tydlig i din kommunikation och alltid direkt i ditt budskap.

  • Det finns inga dumma frågor endast dumma svar, men ställ för i helvetet inte frågor som du har svaret på själv. Det är så en slipsten ska dras.

  • Ta bort samtliga problem i möjligaste mån.

  • Gör slut med alla som endast ger dig dålig energi, fokusera på de goda personerna. Det gäller samtliga dvs. släkt och vänner som inte bidrar med ditt välbefinnande och inte är positiva, glada, kommunikativa, och/eller trevliga.  

  • Ställ inte för höga krav på dig själv eller andra.

  • Behöver du vila - gör det, behöver du träna - gör det men framför allt gör det som Du tycker om och är roligt.

  • Det du förväntar dig av andra ska du kunna leverera själv.

  • Bara säg de ord till andra som du orkar med att höra på själv.

  • Respektera andra som du respekterar dig själv.

  • Respekterar dig själv som du respektera andra.

  • Behandla andra som du vill behandlad själv. 

  • Man är inte större än hur man är och beter sig.

  • Vänliga personer ger dig en vän, Jävliga personer lär dig en läxa.

  • När det är tufft blir de tuffa tuffare.

  • Var alltid din egen Gud, men bli inspirerad av andra.

  • Med en motorbåt är destinationen det främsta syftet med resan. Med en segelbåt är den sträcka du seglar målet för resan.

  • Ha globala drömmar om resor, men res lokalt i kropp och själ.

  • Besök andra destinationer än dom vanligaste. När resans mål är erfarenheten och/eller upplevelsen.

  • Allt är en muskel från topp till tå [ben, armar, mage men också hjärnan]. Alla muskler måsta motioneras för att inte förtvina och försvinna.

  • Om ”platsen” och/eller ”rummet” är lugnet för dig och du måste finna kraft. Tillbringa all tid du behöver där, och du kommer att få inre och yttre harmoni.

  • Lyxfruar och lyxmän som endast lever på andra är som mördarsniglar. Vän av ordning undrar stilla om detta verkligen är möjligt år 2023. Då pengar är den enda drivkraften blir det på klarspråk en partner som är hora / fnask.

  • ”Se mig” syndromet eller som i folkmun kallas ”knullträsket”. Knullträsket beskrivs enklast genom att alla vill känna sig sedda och älskade för att de råkat bli smalare. Kan också beskrivas som ”Partner och Barn Fängelse”, några kvinnor jag känt genom åren har mycket riktigt visligen utryckt samma syndrom ”Se mig” beskriven tidigare… 

EN - Thoughts with regard to LIFE - The fundamentals of psychology are based on the mood of the individual.

  • What is right and true for me is not necessarily right for you, vice versa.

  • How you see yourself is what you project to others, and it is what others see and makes clear who you are.

  • Do Not Think, Think Right.

  • Be clear in your communication and always direct in your message.

  • There are no stupid questions only stupid answers, but for the hell sake don't ask questions if you know the answer. That is how you sharpener your knife.

  • Eliminate all problems, as much as possible.

  • Break up with everyone who only gives you bad energy, focus on the good people. This applies to all, i.e. family and friends who do not contribute to your well-being and are not positive, happy, communicative, and/or pleasant.

  • Do not make too high demands on yourself or others.

  • If you need to rest - just do it, if you need to exercise - just do it, but above all just do what you like and is fun.

  • What you expect from others, you must be able to deliver yourself.

  • Only say the words to others that you can bear to hear yourself.

  • Respect others as you respect yourself.

  • Respect yourself as you respect others.

  • Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

  • You are no bigger than how you are behaving.

  • Nice people make you a friend, Nasty people teach you a lesson.

  • When it is tough the tough gets going.

  • Always be your own God, but be inspired by others.

  • With a motorboat is the destination the main aim of the journey. With a sailing boat is the distance you sail the aim of the journey.

  • Have global dreams of your travel, hence travel local in body and mind.

  • Visit other destinations than the most common ones. When the goal of the trip is the experience and/or event.

  • Everything is a muscle from head to toe [legs, arms, stomach but also the brain]. All muscles must be exercised in order not to wither and disappear.

  • If the "place" and/or "room" where you find calmness and you must find energy. Spend as much as time you need “there”, and you will get into inner and outer harmony.

  • Luxury wives and luxury men who only prey on others are like killer slugs. Friend of order quietly wonders if this is really possible in 2023. Since money is the only driving force, it becomes a partner who is a whore/snort.

  • "See me" syndrome or which is popularly known as the "fucking swamp". The “fucking swamp” is most easily described as wanting to feel seen and loved because they happened to become slimmer. Can also be described as "Partner and Child Prison", some women, I have known over the years have indeed expressed the same syndrome "See me" described earlier.....

DE - Gedanken zum LEBEN -  Die Grundlagen der Psychologie basieren auf der Stimmung des Individuums.

  • Was für mich richtig und wahr ist, muss nicht unbedingt auch für Sie richtig sein, und umgekehrt.

  • Wie Sie sich selbst sehen, projizieren Sie auf andere, und es ist das, was andere sehen und macht deutlich, wer Sie sind.

  • Nicht Denken, Denken Richtig.

  • Seien Sie klar in Ihrer Kommunikation und immer direkt in Ihrer Botschaft.

  • Es gibt keine dummen Fragen, sondern nur dumme Antworten, aber stellen Sie um Himmels willen keine Fragen, wenn Sie die Antwort kennen. So schärfen Sie Ihr Messer.

  • Beseitigen Sie alle Probleme so weit wie möglich.

  • Machen Sie Schluss mit allen, die Ihnen nur schlechte Energie geben, und konzentrieren Sie sich auf die guten Menschen. Dies gilt für alle, d.h. Familie und Freunde, die nicht zu Ihrem Wohlbefinden beitragen und nicht positiv, glücklich, kommunikativ und/oder angenehm sind.

  • Stellen Sie keine zu hohen Anforderungen an sich selbst oder andere.

  • Wenn Sie sich ausruhen müssen, tun Sie es, wenn Sie sich bewegen müssen, tun Sie es, aber vor allem tun Sie, was Spaß macht.

  • Was Sie von anderen erwarten, müssen Sie auch selbst liefern können.

  • Sagen Sie anderen nur die Worte, die Sie selbst ertragen können.

  • Respektieren Sie andere, wie Sie sich selbst respektieren.

  • Respektieren Sie sich selbst, wie Sie andere respektieren.

  • Behandeln Sie andere so, wie Sie selbst behandelt werden möchten.

  • Du bist nicht größer als dein Verhalten.

  • Nette Leute machen dich zu einem Freund, böse Leute erteilen dir eine Lektion.

  • Wenn es hart auf hart kommt, geht es hart los.

  • Sei immer dein eigener Gott, aber lass dich von anderen inspirieren.

  • Bei einem Motorboot ist das Ziel das Hauptziel der Reise. Bei einem Segelboot ist die zurückgelegte Distanz das Ziel der Reise.

  • Träumen Sie von Ihrer Reise global und reisen Sie körperlich und geistig lokal.

  • Besuchen Sie andere Ziele als die häufigsten. Wenn das Ziel der Reise das Erlebnis und/oder Ereignis ist.

  • Von Kopf bis Fuß ist alles ein Muskel (Beine, Arme, Bauch, aber auch das Gehirn). Alle Muskeln müssen trainiert werden, um nicht zu verkümmern und zu verschwinden.

  • Wenn der "Ort" und/oder "Raum", an dem Sie Ruhe finden und Energie finden müssen. Verbringe so viel Zeit, wie du "dort" brauchst, und du wirst in innere und äußere Harmonie kommen.

  • Luxusfrauen und Luxusmänner, die nur Jagd auf andere machen, sind wie Killerschnecken. Friend of Order fragt sich im Stillen, ob das im Jahr 2023 wirklich möglich ist. Da Geld die einzige treibende Kraft ist, wird es zu einem Partner, der eine Hure/Schnaube ist.

  • "See me"-Syndrom oder das im Volksmund als "Bumsen Sumpf" bekannt ist. Der [Bumsen Sumpf] lässt sich am einfachsten von jedem beschreiben, der sich gesehen und geliebt fühlen möchte, weil er zufällig schlanker geworden ist und es dann geschafft hat. Kann auch als "Partner- und Kindergefängnis" bezeichnet werden, einige Frauen, die ich im Laufe der Jahre gekannt habe, haben tatsächlich das gleiche Syndrom "See me" beschrieben.....

FR - Réflexions sur la VIE - Les fondements de la psychologie sont basés sur l'humeur de l'individu.

  • Ce qui est juste et vrai pour moi ne l'est pas forcément pour vous, vice versa.

  • La façon dont vous vous voyez est ce que vous projetez aux autres, et c'est ce que les autres voient et qui montre clairement qui vous êtes.

  • Ne Pense Pas, Pense Bien.

  • Soyez clair dans votre communication et toujours direct dans votre message.

  • Il n'y a pas de questions stupides, seulement des réponses stupides, mais pour l'amour de l'enfer, ne posez pas de questions si vous connaissez la réponse. C'est ainsi que vous aiguisez votre couteau.

  • Éliminer tous les problèmes autant que possible.

  • Rompre avec tous ceux qui ne te donnent que de la mauvaise énergie, concentre-toi sur les bonnes personnes. Cela s'applique à tous, c'est-à-dire à la famille et aux amis qui ne contribuent pas à votre bien-être et ne sont pas positifs, heureux, communicatifs et/ou agréables.

  • Ne soyez pas trop exigeant envers vous-même ou envers les autres.

  • Si vous avez besoin de vous reposer - faites-le, si vous avez besoin de faire de l'exercice - faites-le, mais surtout faites ce que vous aimez et c'est amusant.

  • Ce que vous attendez des autres, vous devez être capable de vous le livrer.

  • Ne dites aux autres que les mots que vous pouvez supporter d'entendre vous-même.

  • Respectez les autres comme vous vous respectez vous-même.

  • Respectez-vous comme vous respectez les autres.

  • Traitez les autres comme vous aimeriez être traité vous-même.

  • Vous n'êtes pas plus grand que la façon dont vous vous comportez.

  • Les gentils font de vous un ami, les méchants vous donnent une leçon.

  • Quand c'est dur, le dur s'en va.

  • Soyez toujours votre propre Dieu, mais soyez inspiré par les autres.

  • Avec un bateau à moteur, la destination est l'objectif principal du voyage. Avec un voilier, c'est la distance parcourue qui est le but du voyage.

  • Ayez des rêves globaux de votre voyage, donc voyagez localement dans le corps et l'esprit.

  • Visitez d'autres destinations que les plus courantes. Lorsque le but du voyage est l'expérience et/ou l'événement.

  • Tout est muscle de la tête aux pieds [les jambes, les bras, le ventre mais aussi le cerveau]. Tous les muscles doivent être exercés pour ne pas se flétrir et disparaître.

  • Si le « lieu » et / ou la « pièce » où vous trouvez le calme et vous devez trouver de l’énergie. Passez autant de temps que vous avez besoin « là », et vous entrerez dans l’harmonie intérieure et extérieure.

  • Les épouses de luxe et les hommes de luxe qui ne s’attaquent qu’aux autres sont comme des limaces tueuses. Friend of order se demande tranquillement si cela est vraiment possible en 2023. Puisque l’argent est la seule force motrice, il devient un partenaire qui est une pute / snort.

  • Syndrome «Voyez-moi» ou qui est populairement connu sous le nom de «couche de marais ». Le «couche de marais» est le plus facilement décrit comme voulant se sentir vu et aimé parce qu’ils sont devenus plus minces. Peut également être décrit comme « Partenaire et Prison de l’Enfant », certaines femmes, que j’ai connues au fil des ans ont en effet exprimé le même syndrome « Voyez-moi » décrit plus tôt.....

ES - Pensamientos con respecto a la VIDA - Los fundamentos de la psicología se basan en el estado de ánimo del individuo. 

  • Lo que es correcto y verdadero para mí no necesariamente lo es para ti, y viceversa.

  • Cómo te ves a ti mismo es lo que proyectas a los demás, y es lo que los demás ven y deja claro quién eres.

  • No Pienses, Piensa Bien.

  • Sea claro en su comunicación y siempre directo en su mensaje.

  • No hay preguntas tontas solo respuestas tontas, pero por el amor del infierno no hagas preguntas si sabes la respuesta. Así se afila el cuchillo.

  • Elimine todos los problemas tanto como sea posible.

  • Rompe con todos los que solo te dan malas energías, concéntrate en las buenas personas. Esto se aplica a todos, es decir, familiares y amigos que no contribuyen a su bienestar y no son positivos, alegres, comunicativos y/o agradables.

  • No se exija demasiado a sí mismo ni a los demás.

  • Si necesita descansar, simplemente hágalo, si necesita hacer ejercicio, simplemente hágalo, pero sobre todo haga lo que le gusta y es divertido.

  • Lo que esperas de los demás, debes ser capaz de entregarlo tú mismo.

  • Sólo di las palabras a los demás que puedas soportar escucharte a ti mismo.

  • Respeta a los demás como te respetas a ti mismo.

  • Respétate a ti mismo como respetas a los demás.

  • Trata a los demás como te gustaría que te traten a ti.

  • No eres más grande que cómo te estás comportando.

  • La gente amable te convierte en un amigo, la gente desagradable te enseña una lección.

  • Cuando es difícil, lo difícil se pone en marcha.

  • Sé siempre tu propio Dios, pero déjate inspirar por los demás.

  • Con una lancha es el destino el objetivo principal del viaje. Con un velero es la distancia que navegas el objetivo de la travesía.

  • Tenga sueños globales de su viaje, por lo tanto, viaje localmente en cuerpo y mente.

  • Visite otros destinos además de los más habituales. Cuando el objetivo del viaje es la experiencia y/o evento.

  • Todo es un músculo de la cabeza a los pies [piernas, brazos, estómago pero también el cerebro]. Todos los músculos deben ejercitarse para que no se marchiten y desaparezcan.

  • Si el "lugar" y/o "habitación" donde encuentras calma y debes encontrar energía. Pasa todo el tiempo que necesites "allí", y entrarás en armonía interna y externa.

  • Las esposas de lujo y los hombres de lujo que solo se aprovechan de los demás son como asesinas. El amigo del orden se pregunta en silencio si esto es realmente posible en 2023. Dado que el dinero es la única fuerza impulsora, se convierte en un socio que es una puta / resoplido.

  • Síndrome de "See me" o que popularmente se conoce como el "follar pantano". El "follar pantano" se describe más fácilmente como querer sentirse visto y amado porque se volvieron más delgados. También se puede describir como "Prisión de pareja e hijo", algunas mujeres, que he conocido a lo largo de los años, han expresado el mismo síndrome "See me" descrito anteriormente ...

IT - Pensieri riguardo alla VITA - I fondamenti della psicologia si basano sull'umore dell'individuo.

  • Ciò che è giusto e vero per me non è necessariamente giusto per te, viceversa.

  • Il modo in cui vedi te stesso è ciò che proietti agli altri, ed è ciò che gli altri vedono e rende chiaro chi sei.

  • Non Pensare, Pensa Bene.

  • Sii chiaro nella tua comunicazione e sempre diretto nel tuo messaggio.

  • Non ci sono domande stupide solo risposte stupide, ma per amor dell'inferno non fare domande se conosci la risposta. È così che affili il tuo coltello.

  • Elimina tutti i problemi il più possibile.

  • Rompi con tutti quelli che ti danno solo cattive energie, concentrati sulle brave persone. Questo vale per tutti, ad esempio familiari e amici che non contribuiscono al tuo benessere e non sono positivi, felici, comunicativi e/o piacevoli.

  • Non pretendere troppo da te stesso o dagli altri.

  • Se hai bisogno di riposare, fallo e basta, se hai bisogno di fare esercizio, fallo e soprattutto fai quello che ti piace ed è divertente.

  • Quello che ti aspetti dagli altri, devi essere in grado di consegnarti.

  • Dì agli altri solo le parole che puoi sopportare di sentire te stesso.

  • Rispetta gli altri come rispetti te stesso.

  • Rispetta te stesso come rispetti gli altri.

  • Tratta gli altri come vorresti essere trattato tu stesso.

  • Non sei più grande di come ti stai comportando.

  • Le persone gentili ti rendono un amico, le persone cattive ti danno una lezione.

  • Quando è dura, inizia il duro.

  • Sii sempre il tuo Dio, ma lasciati ispirare dagli altri.

  • Con un motoscafo è la destinazione l'obiettivo principale del viaggio. Con una barca a vela è la distanza percorsa lo scopo del viaggio.

  • Fai sogni globali del tuo viaggio, quindi viaggia locale nel corpo e nella mente.

  • Visita altre destinazioni rispetto a quelle più comuni. Quando l'obiettivo del viaggio è l'esperienza e/o l'evento.

  • Tutto è un muscolo dalla testa ai piedi [gambe, braccia, stomaco ma anche il cervello]. Tutti i muscoli devono essere esercitati per non appassire e scomparire.

  • Se il "luogo" e/o la "stanza" dove trovi la calma e devi trovare energia. Trascorri tutto il tempo di cui hai bisogno "lì" e entrerai nell'armonia interiore ed esteriore.

  • Le mogli di lusso e gli uomini di lusso che depredano solo gli altri sono come lumache assassine. Friend of order si chiede tranquillamente se questo sia davvero possibile nel 2023. Poiché il denaro è l'unica forza trainante, diventa un partner che è una puttana / sbuffo.

  • Sindrome "See me" o che è popolarmente conosciuta come la "cazzo palude". La "cazzo palude" è più facilmente descritta come voler sentirsi vista e amata perché è successo che diventasse più magra. Può anche essere descritto come "Partner and Child Prison", alcune donne, che ho conosciuto nel corso degli anni hanno effettivamente espresso la stessa sindrome "See me" descritta in precedenza .....

i-am fred 2024-07-16

Mälardalen University MDH B.Sc. Electrical Engineering 1996 - 1999

Additional university courses

  • Technical English (12p), The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

  • Competent Investigation methodology in accidents - Advanced (7.5p), KTH

  • Perspectives on Organisation and Leadership – Advanced (7.5p), MDH

  • Intercultural Leadership – Advanced (7.5p), MDH

  • Leadership as relation and communication – Advanced (7.5p), MDH

  • Leadership, Working Groups and Teams – Advanced (7.5p), MDH

  • Strategic Development of Competence and Leadership – Advanced (7.5p), MDH

  • Evaluation and Investigation Work – Advanced (7.5p), MDH

  • Environmental Certification and Sustainability – (15p), Nackademin

Chairman, Manager and Project Assignments

  • EU-Chairman of ATEX Adco, European Union 2009-2012.

  • EU-Project Leader of joint cross-border EU-ATEX market surveillance campaign, European Union 2010.

  • Marketing manager and an active board member, Friskis&Svettis 2007-2009.

  • Vice chairman in outdoor association, Friluftsfrämjandet 2013-2014.

  • Manager of documentation, Intertek 2023.

Complete Work-Resume Descriptions See LinkedIn [in] top of the page.

Intercultural conflict?

I want to start by defining the word conflict or in short, what is conflict? Conflict is not disagreement! Conflicts are about the way we disagree, in other words: form. Conflicts are not resolved by agreeing, but by changing behavior. Conflict is not something we "have", but something we do with each other. Conflicts are thus about relationships. Conflicts are not resolved by appointing scapegoats. They are solved by all parties realizing their own responsibility for the conflict, and putting their own house in order.

Conflict is the result of destructive communication patterns. A lasting solution requires the parties to incorporate new communication patterns between themselves. The essence of conflict management consists of the parties meeting, and talking to each other, in a different way than before.

The conflict is resolved when everyone affirms, explicitly and credibly, that the conflict has been resolved as far as he or she is concerned. So the question now is who is doing wrong and who is doing the right thing and who should really adapt to language, religions, values and culture?

Meetings VS Emails in communication.

Emails are the first communication means, that shall be carried out in all communications.

All meetings such as Working-meetings and/or Information-meetings should be informed 4 working days in advance.

Working-meetings, in all forms on-line and/or physical, are the second choice of communication, if emails are not sufficient. If you are going to have a working-meeting the agenda should be distributed at-least 24H advance of the meeting and/or preferably 5 working days’ notice.

Information-meetings, in all forms on-line and/or physical, are only pure information for distinguished colleagues/delegates, which is often given by managers from different levels.

Phone is used in all other urgent matters.

Questionnaire - the informal meeting leadership skills in standardisation working groups.

General information




Standardization working group:

Representing: Standardization organization [  ], authority [  ], manufacture [  ], test institute [  ], consult [  ], insurance company [  ], user [  ] or other [  ].

I.          Introduction

1.    How many years have you been a member [    ] and chairman/convenor [    ] in this standardization working group.

Hur många år har du varit medlem [    ] och ordförande/sammankallande  [    ] i den här standardiseringsarbetsgruppen.

II.        Leadership and Team

2.    Is it important to have culturally aware when you working in standardization working groups? Can you give an example?

Är det viktigt att ha kulturellt medvetenhet när du arbetar i standardiseringsarbetsgrupper?

3.    Is it important to have innovation and creativity knowledge?

Can you give an example?

Är det viktigt att ha innovation och kreativitets kunskaper?

Kan du ge ett exempel?

4.    Is it important to have cooperation ability?

Can you give an example?

Är det viktigt att ha samarbetsförmåga?

Kan du ge ett exempel?

III.     Leadership and Communication

5.    How would you describe disunity, disunion or disagreement?

Can you give an example where you had that in your group?

How did you solve it?

Hur skulle du beskriva oenighet, splittring eller motsättningar?

Kan du ge ett exempel där du hade det i din grupp?

Hur löste du det?

6.    How would you describe conflicts? (Through debates, constructive dialogs, objective arguments, compromising solutions and/or resort to the language of force,dictatorial language )

Can you give an example where you had that in your group? (Is it usually take place when you for example intensive work at the office and/ or in the working groups?) How did you solve it?

Hur skulle du beskriva konflikter? (Genom debatter, konstruktiva dialoger, objektiva argument, komprometterande lösningar och/eller ta till maktspråk)

Kan du ge ett exempel där du hade det i din grupp? (Tar det oftast plats när du till exempel intensivt arbete på kontoret och/eller i arbetsgrupperna?) Hur löste du det?

7.    How would you describe complaints and issues?

Can you give an example where you had that in your group?

How did you solve it?

Hur skulle du beskriva klagomål och problem?

Kan du ge ett exempel där du hade det i din grupp?

Hur löste du det?

8.    How do you as a chairman/convenor use established processes to conclude discussions? 

Can you give an example?

Använder du som ordförande/sammankallande vedertagna processer för att konkludera diskussioner? Kan du ge exempel?

9.    How do you as chairman/ convenor works to make sure that the issues/problems have a comprehensive elucidation/discussion/ in the light of history?

Hur arbetar du som ordförande/sammankallande för att se till att de frågor/problem har en omfattande klarläggande / diskussion / med beaktande av historien?

IV.       Intercultural leadership

10.How do you find it to work in teams with different people with different values? (In standardization working groups you do not have the pleasure to hand pick the participants as you can do as an eg. A head of unit you can hand pick your employees how do this affects you in your way of leading the group as a chairman/convenor)?

Hur tycker du att det att fungera i team med olika människor med olika värden? (I standardiseringsarbetets arbetsgrupper har du inte har nöjet att plocka deltagarna som du kan göra som en ex. En enhetschef kan handplocka sina anställda, hur påverkar detta dig i ditt sätt att leda gruppen som ordförande/sammankallande)?

11.How do you find consensus decision-making compared to majority resolution? (Advantadge or disadvantges)

Hur tycker du att konsensus beslutsfattande är jämfört med majoritetsbeslut? (Fördelar eller nackdelar)

12.Are you willing to sacrifice technical requirements in order to live up to consensus decision-making?

Är du villig att offra tekniska krav för att leva upp till konsensus beslutsfattandet

Yes [    ]                   No [    ]                          Partly [    ]

13.Is consensus decision making process common in your Country?

Är konsensus beslutande processen vanligt I ditt land?

Yes [    ]                   No [    ]                          Partly [    ]

14.Do you as a chairman/ convenor “Go for gold” or “Good enough”?

Som ordförande/sammankallande ”Går för vinst” eller ”Tillräckligt bra”?

Go for gold [    ]                           Good enough [    ]

fred a few god words in SV-EN-DE-FR-ES-IT 2024-03-19

The 3 Essential Competences in order to become a Good Manager/Leader.

Code of Conduct - CC

Learned by adapting to written and unwritten rules.

Emotional Competence - EQ

Learned from communicating with each and everybody, irregular of nationality and sex.

Intelligent Competence - IQ

Learned from studies and all kind educating experiences.

Good Manager

SE - En bra Chef är Förevisande genom hantverket, Styrande och en Hjälpande Ledare.

EN - A good Manager is a Demonstrator through the craft, Governing and a Helping Leader.

DE - Ein guter Manager ist ein Demonstrator durch das Handwerk, eine Führungskraft und eine helfende Führungskraft.

FR - Un bon Manager est un Démonstrateur par le métier, Gouvernant et un Leader aidant.

ES - Un buen Gerente es un Demostrador a través del oficio, Gobernante y un Líder Ayudante.

IT - Un buon manager è un dimostratore attraverso il mestiere, il governo e un leader che aiuta.

2024-03-10 Right true truth

  • SE Jag har alltid rätt - Jag är helt sann - Jag är sanningen

  • EN I am always right - I am absolutely true - I am the truth

  • DE Ich habe immer Recht - Ich bin absolut wahr - Ich bin die Wahrheit

  • FR j'ai toujours raison - j'ai tout a fait vrai - je suis la vérité

  • ES Siempre tengo la razón - Soy absolutamente cierto - Yo soy la verdad

  • IT Ho sempre ragione - Sono assolutamente sincero - Io sono la verità

In-House Parent at work

  • SE Fadder

  • EN In-House Parent

  • DE Interne Eltern

  • FR Parent à l'interne

  • ES Padre interno

  • IT Genitore interno

Boss Interview

  • SE Farfars intervju

  • EN Daddy-Daddy interview

  • DE Papa-Papa-Interview

  • FR Entretien papa papa

  • ES Entrevista papi papi

  • IT Intervista a papà papà

Company Organization

Team Leader < 3 Persons with same Tasks

Group Manager 10 or more Persons with same Tasks

Unit Manager < 10 Persons with different Tasks

Department Manager < 10 Unit Managers with different Tasks

Business Area Manager < 10 Department Managers with different Tasks

General Manager < 10 Business Area Managers with different Tasks

General Director < 10 General Managers with different Tasks

Chief Executive Officer CEO < 10 General Directors with different Tasks

Learning Process

SE - Låta sig inspireras av andra och/eller delge din upplevelse. Håll i och håll ut.

EN - Be inspired by others and/or share your experience. Hold on and persevere.

DE - Lassen Sie sich von anderen inspirieren und/oder teilen Sie Ihre Erfahrungen. Halte durch und halte durch.

FR - Inspirez-vous des autres et/ou partagez votre expérience. Tenez bon et persévérez.

ES - Déjate inspirar por otros y/o comparte tu experiencia. Aguanta y persevera.

IT - Lasciati ispirare dagli altri e/o condividi la tua esperienza. Tieni duro e persevera.

Communication Problem

SE - En dispyt förklaras enklast genom meningsskiljaktighet, och vilket i sin tur inte betyder att den andre har rätt eller fel, utan mer av kommunikationsproblemets natur.

· Extraordinära stunder kräver extraordinära åtgärder.

· Använd piktogram vid gigantiska oändliga informationslösningar.

· Syftet och/eller frågan måste vara klar för att kunna förstås och/eller besvaras.  

· Bisarra situationer löses enklast med bisarra medel.

· Jag har alltid rätt ur min synvinkel. dvs vad jag kan och har lärt mig.

· Vi kämpar alla i det läget vi befinner oss i.

· Lita på någon annan och du kommer att dö, lita på dig själv och du kommer att överleva.

· Du kan inte älska alla, däremot ska du acceptera dem.

· Du är och förblir din egen herde.

· Fysiskkärlek är och förblir bara fysisk.

· Mentalkärlek förekommer överallt, med alla varelser.

· Äkta kärlek, förblir REN kärlek.

· Kärleken till dig ska alltid vara störst, jag har levat med den och jag har hatat den.

· Kommunikation är botemedlet på alla problem.


EN - A dispute is easiest explained by difference of opinion, which in turn does not mean that the other is right or wrong, but more of the nature of the communication problem.

· Extraordinary moments call for extraordinary measures.

· Use pictograms for gigantic endless information solutions.

· The purpose and/or question must be clear in order to be understood and/or answered.

· Bizarre situations are most easily solved with bizarre means.

· I am always right from my point of view. i.e. what I know and been taught.

· We are all struggling in the situation we are in.

· Trust someone else and you will Die, trust yourself and you will Survive.

· You cannot love everybody; hence you shall accept them.

· You are and remain your own shepherd.

· Physical love is and remains only physical.

· Mental love is everywhere, with all beings.

· True love is always pure love.

· Love for yourself should always be the greatest, I have lived with it and I hated it.

· Communication is the cure on all problems.

DE - Ein Streit lässt sich am einfachsten durch Meinungsverschiedenheiten erklären, was wiederum nicht bedeutet, dass der andere Recht oder Unrecht hat, sondern eher in der Natur des Kommunikationsproblems liegt.

· Außergewöhnliche Momente erfordern außergewöhnliche Maßnahmen.

· Nutzen Sie Piktogramme für gigantische endlose Informationslösungen.

· Der Zweck und/oder die Frage müssen klar sein, um verstanden und/oder beantwortet zu werden.

· Skurrile Situationen lassen sich am leichtesten mit skurrilen Mitteln lösen.

· Ich habe aus meiner Sicht immer recht. d.h. was ich weiß und gelernt habe.

· Wir alle kämpfen mit der Situation, in der wir uns befinden.

· Vertraue jemand anderem und du wirst sterben, vertraue dir selbst und du wirst überleben.

· Du kannst nicht jeden lieben; darum sollst du sie annehmen.

· Du bist und bleibst dein eigener Hirte.

· Körperliche Liebe ist und bleibt nur körperlich.

· Mentale Liebe ist überall, bei allen Wesen.

· Wahre Liebe ist immer reine Liebe.

· Die Liebe zu sich selbst sollte immer die größte sein, ich habe damit gelebt und ich habe sie gehasst.

· Kommunikation ist das Heilmittel für alle Probleme.

FR - Un différend s'explique plus facilement par une différence d'opinion, ce qui ne signifie pas que l'autre a raison ou tort, mais plutôt la nature du problème de communication.

· Des moments extraordinaires appellent des mesures extraordinaires.

· Utilisez des pictogrammes pour de gigantesques solutions d'information sans fin.

· Le but et/ou la question doivent être clairs pour être compris et/ou répondus.

· Les situations bizarres sont plus facilement résolues avec des moyens bizarres.

· J'ai toujours raison de mon point de vue. c'est-à-dire ce que je sais et ce que j'ai appris.

· Nous luttons tous dans la situation dans laquelle nous nous trouvons.

· Faites confiance à quelqu'un d'autre et vous mourrez, faites-vous confiance et vous survivrez.

· Vous ne pouvez pas aimer tout le monde ; c'est pourquoi vous les accepterez.

· Vous êtes et restez votre propre berger.

· L’amour physique n’est et ne reste que physique.

· L’amour mental est partout, avec tous les êtres.

· Le véritable amour est toujours l’amour pur.

· L’amour pour soi-même devrait toujours être le plus grand, j’ai vécu avec et je l’ai détesté.

· La communication est le remède à tous les problèmes.

ES - Una disputa se explica más fácilmente por la diferencia de opinión, lo que a su vez no significa que el otro tenga razón o no, sino más bien la naturaleza del problema de comunicación.

· Momentos extraordinarios requieren medidas extraordinarias.

· Use pictogramas para soluciones de información gigantescas e interminables.

· El propósito y/o la pregunta deben ser claros para ser entendidos y/o respondidos.

· Las situaciones extrañas se resuelven más fácilmente con medios extraños.

· Siempre tengo razón desde mi punto de vista. es decir, lo que sé y me han enseñado.

· Todos estamos luchando en la situación en la que estamos.

· Confía en alguien más y Morirás, confía en ti mismo y Sobrevivirás.

· No puedes amar a todos; por lo tanto, los aceptarás.

· Tú eres y sigues siendo tu propio pastor.

· El amor físico es y sigue siendo sólo físico.

· El amor mental está en todas partes, con todos los seres.

· El verdadero amor es siempre amor puro.

· El amor por ti mismo siempre debe ser el más grande, he vivido con él y lo he odiado.

· La comunicación es la cura de todos los problemas.

IT - Una controversia si spiega più facilmente con una divergenza di opinioni, che a sua volta non significa che l'altro abbia ragione o torto, ma piuttosto la natura del problema di comunicazione.

· Momenti straordinari richiedono misure straordinarie.

· Usa i pittogrammi per gigantesche infinite soluzioni informative.

· Lo scopo e/o la domanda devono essere chiari per poter essere compresi e/o avere una risposta.

· Le situazioni bizzarre si risolvono più facilmente con mezzi bizzarri.

· Ho sempre ragione dal mio punto di vista. cioè quello che so e mi è stato insegnato.

· Stiamo tutti lottando per la situazione in cui ci troviamo.

· Fidati di qualcun altro e morirai, fidati di te stesso e sopravviverai.

· Non puoi amare tutti; quindi li accetterai.

· Tu sei e rimani il pastore di te stesso.

· L'amore fisico è e rimane solo fisico.

· L'amore mentale è ovunque, con tutti gli esseri.

· Il vero amore è sempre amore puro.

· L'amore per te stesso dovrebbe essere sempre il più grande, ci ho convissuto e l'ho odiato.

· La comunicazione è la cura su tutti i problemi.

big6_se colonel-to-his-adjutant 2024-07-16

Compliance Requirements Constitutes of Safety Requirements and Quality Requirements.

Safety Requirements:

  • Legislative frameworks,

  • International standards.

 Quality Requirements:

  • Customers’ requirements,

  • International standards.

Low Voltage Directive Guidelines applies to electrical equipment designed for use with a voltage rating of between 50 and 1 000 V for alternating current and between 75 and 1 500 V for direct current, affected by the Directive 2014/35/EU

The manufacturer has to ensure, that the manufacturing  process permanently leads to compliant electrical equipment. One means to achieve this could be a supervised Quality Management System.

Electro Magnetic Compability Guidelines applies to a vast range of equipment encompassing electrical and electronic appliances, systems and installations, affected by the Directive 2014/30/EU

The manufacturer shall take all measures necessary to ensure that the apparatus are manufactured in accordance with the technical documentation. The manufacturer may involve a Notified Body during the conformity assessment procedure.

Application criteria Plugs and Socket in Sweden:

According to Swedish Law on Plugs and Socket Outlet for Domestic Use, in Sweden, they shall be certified by any certificationbody.

Application criteria EMC:

EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) mention "Inherently Benign", [electro magnetic-radiation free] e.g. engine, if YES the product does not fall under the EMC-Requirements.

Application criteria for "ATEX"-Directive 2014/34/EU:

  • use in a potentially explosive atmosphere,

  • own potential source of ignition,

  • use in atmospheric conditions,

  • defined as an equipment, a protective system, and/or safety device.

My interpretation of Swedish Laws.

The Parliament writes the acts/laws – which are mainly text for authorization of the Government and the Authorities, in some rare cases some general and detailed requirements in text.

The government writes the ordinances – which are mainly texts for authorization of the Authorities, in some rare cases some general and detailed requirements in text.

The Authorities write the regulations – which are mainly detailed requirements in text, in some rare cases some general requirements in text.

European Conformity i.e., CE Flow Process on LVD

SE - Hur en kvinna ska betraktas

EN - How a woman shall be regarded

DE - Wie eine Frau zu betrachten ist

FR - Comment une femme doit être considérée

ES - Cómo se debe considerar a una mujer

IT - Come deve essere considerata una donna

Fredrik Kagerud


I have had 2 girlfriends the latest took place in 2010. For the last years have had “the pride, the privilege nay the pleasure.” to alone only get some rubber-ladies acquainted. “A man got to do what a man got to do”. “I might be too fat for a Fuck”. As you woman know, I have been an aerobic instructor and know my way around with rhythm on the vertical and the horizontal floor.

Africas best kept secret must be the real suck-job. Can equally be practice on men as women. Hence the clitoris is more or less the same as the acorn. Give it a try on your partner, way not today. PLEASE NOTE: Suck-job shall not, what so ever, be mixed up with a classic blow-job or as I see it masturbating with a dash of mouth or on female just licking. Practice makes perfection, even as child you probably sucked on a soother and/or thumb. Personally I am not bang to go down when it is offered.

2024-03-10 Juice

  • SE Kärleks Juice - Mus Juice - Livets Juice

  • EN Love Juice - Pussy Juice - Life Juice

  • DE Liebes-Saft - Muschi-Saft – Lebenssaft

  • FR Jus d’amour - Jus de chatte - Jus de vie

  • ES Jugo de amor - Jugo de coño - Succo di vita

  • IT Succo d'amore - Succo di figa - Succo di vita

I see myself as man with Lethal Eyes and Spicy Tung

  • SE Jag ser mig själv som en man med Livsfarliga Ögon och ett Jävla Bett i Tungan

  • EN I see myself as man with Lethal Eyes and Spicy Tung

  • DE Ich sehe mich als Mann mit tödlichen Augen und würzigem Tung

  • FR Je me vois comme l’homme aux yeux mortels et au tung épicé

  • ES Me veo a mí mismo como un hombre con ojos letales y tung picante

  • IT Mi vedo come un uomo con occhi letali e tung picante

Fred says spoil your loved ones with a luxury, Freds-roll-the-dice.

 The main aim to spoil your partner with a luxury treat as the following of the results by the rolled dice. On each dice results wash, massage, and treat the following parts of the body accordingly.

The number of the dice:

  • Number 1 = Feet

  • Number 2 = Back

  • Number 3 = Hands

  • Number 4 = Front

  • Number 5 = Face

  • Number 6 = Hair

Fred says hey with loved friends, Freds-roll-the-dice.

  • Rolle the dice, and the number gives you information on how to say hey:

  • Number 1 = Shake hand

  • Number 2 = High five

  • Number 3 = Bow praying hands

  • Number 4 = Hug

  • Number 5 = French kiss

  • Number 6 = Kiss on mouth

Fred says dance with loved friends, Freds-roll-the-dice.

  • Rolle the dice, and the number gives you information on what type of dance:

  • Number 1 = Disco

  • Number 2 = Rock’n roll

  • Number 3 = Salsa

  • Number 4 = Foxtrot

  • Number 5 = Bachata

  • Number 6 = Waltz

6 best sex positions (self-experienced)

  • I   missionary style (on top) (works with all sizes)

  • II  doggy style (from behind) (works only with small asses)

  • III 69 (man under) (works with all sizes)

  • IV 69 (woman under) (works with all sizes)

  • V  69 (side by side) (works with all sizes)

  • VI forward side free-airway position (from behind) (works also with big asses)

These things are a shall for a woman: Healthy values, Mentally stable and Independent.

In your life there are different roads to choose, some people choose a Profession career, some just do by time an Apartment career, some go for the orthodox road as a Partner career and/or some less fortune choose Children career. In very rear cases there are some retarded who believes in lotteries career.  Most of the time, or perhaps all of the time, is the money the driving force for all careers.

Money should neither be a driving force nor a solution, rather a means to realize one's dreams. Money acquired through work gives confidence and meaning in life. The family at work give you a meaning to stay healthy.

You shall love the person for whom he/she is not what he/she is. Choose wisely and judge more on brain stimuli, than appearance.

Furthermore, there are luxury wives and luxury men who only pray on others are like killer slugs.

Friend of order quietly wonders if this is really possible in year 2023.

If money is the only driving force, you have a partner who is a whore.

Skip them all with any sort of addiction to alcohol or non-legal substances.

Never ever date previous friends with benefits nor friend to a friend. There is a saying fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Just Close it and Cut Loose.

Some people think they are flawless i.e. they are perfect without any how what so ever scruples. The natural behaviour for such a person is to constant search for faults at other individuals. If you do not dare to see yourself from others perspectives you can hardly be flawless. All individuals can if they want constant improve in all disciplines. Even the best athletes at that time had flaws.

How to ask a person for a Dance?

Dance is a vertical act to get the possibility of a horizontal action.

At a rejection from a Lady on the question if she would like to dance.

You simply tell her, slowly, clear, and high pitched, no problem I must take a crap anyway.

  • SE - Vill du dansa med mig?
  • EN - Would you like to dance with me?

  • DE - Vollen Sie tanzen mit Mir?

  • FR - Voule vous dance avec mois?

  • ES - Te gustaría bailar conmigo?

  • IT - Vuoi ballare con me?

What is Love?

  • SE - Kärlek är som elektricitet, du kan inte SE den, inte HÖRA den, men när du KÄNNER DEN sitter du fast.

  • EN - Love is like electricity, you can not SEE it, you can not HEAR it, but once you FEEL IT you are hooked.

  • DE - Liebe ist wie Elektrizität, du kannst sie nicht SEHEN, du kannst sie nicht HÖREN, aber sobald du sie FÜHLST, bist du süchtig.

  • FR - L’amour est comme l’électricité, vous ne pouvez pas le voir, vous ne pouvez pas l’entendre, mais une fois que vous le ressentez, vous êtes accro.

  • ES - El amor es como la electricidad, no puedes VERLO, no puedes ESCUCHARLO, pero una vez que lo sientes estás enganchado.

  • IT - L'amore è come l'elettricità, non puoi VEDERLO, non puoi SENTIRLO, ma una volta che lo senti sei agganciato.


  • SE - Vissa personer straffar JÄVULEN omedelbart, för vissa är det återkommande. Var försiktigt djävulen finns och uppträder i alla former.

  • Dummare än tåget är utryck men man ska veta att tåget ändå går på räls.

  • Misshandel förekommer överallt främst är då pengamisshandel av din partner.

  • Det är helt förbålt det vill säga helt osannolikt men sant.

  • Kvinnor ser sin chans till romans då hon från att varit fet blir fin, yppig och sexig.

  • EN - Some people are punished by the DEVIL instantly, for some regularly. Be careful the Devil exists and appears in all shapes.

  • Stupier than the train is an expression, hence the train runs on tracks.

  • Abuse occurs everywhere, mainly is money abuse from your partner.

  • It is completely foreboding, that is, completely improbable but true

  • Women see their chance for romance when she goes from being fat to beautiful, luscious and sexy.

  • DE - Manche Menschen werden sofort vom TEUFEL bestraft, für andere regelmäßig. Seien Sie vorsichtig, der Teufel existiert und erscheint in allen Formen.

  • Stupier als der Zug ist ein Ausdruck, daher fährt der Zug auf Gleisen.

  • Missbrauch kommt überall vor, hauptsächlich ist es Geldmissbrauch durch Ihren Partner.

  • Es ist eine völlige Vorahnung, das heißt völlig unwahrscheinlich, aber wahr.

  • Frauen sehen ihre Chance auf Romantik, wenn sie von dick zu schön, üppig und sexy wird.

  • FR - Certaines personnes sont punies par le diable instantanément, pour d’autres régulièrement. Attention le Diable existe et apparaît sous toutes les formes.

  • Plus stupéfique que le train est une expression, d’où le train circule sur des rails.

  • L’abus se produit partout, principalement l’abus d’argent de votre partenaire.

  • C’est complètement inquiétant, c’est-à-dire complètement improbable mais vrai.

  • Les femmes voient leur chance de romance quand elle passe de grosse à belle, pulpeuse et sexy.

  • ES - Algunas personas son castigadas por el DIABLO al instante, para algunas regularmente. Ten cuidado de que el diablo existe y aparece en todas las formas.

  • Más stupier que el tren es una expresión, por lo tanto, el tren corre sobre las vías.

  • El abuso ocurre en todas partes, principalmente es abuso de dinero por parte de su pareja.

  • Es completamente premonitorio, es decir, completamente improbable pero cierto.

  • Las mujeres ven su oportunidad de romance cuando pasan de ser gordas a ser hermosas, deliciosas y sexys.

  • IT - Alcune persone vengono punite dal DIAVOLO all'istante, per alcune regolarmente. Fate attenzione che il Diavolo esiste e appare in tutte le forme.

  • Stuppiù stupefacente del treno è un'espressione, quindi il treno corre sui binari.

  • L'abuso si verifica ovunque, principalmente è l'abuso di denaro da parte del tuo partner.

  • È del tutto inquietante, cioè del tutto improbabile ma vero.

  • Le donne vedono la loro possibilità di romanticismo quando passa dall'essere grassa a bella, sensuale e sexy.

How to choose your lady.

SE - Hur ska man välja sin Dam.

  • Välj klokt och välj mer enligt hjärnstimulans än utseende.

EN - How to choose your lady.

  • Choose wisely and judge more on brain stimuli, than appearance.

DE - Wie wählen Sie Ihre Dame aus.

  • Wählen Sie mit Bedacht und beurteilen Sie mehr nach Gehirnreizen als nach Aussehen.

FR - Comment choisir votre dame.

  • Choisissez judicieusement et jugez plus sur les stimuli cérébraux que sur l’apparence.

ES - Cómo elegir a tu dama.

  • Elige sabiamente y juzga más por los estímulos cerebrales que por la apariencia.

IT - Come scegliere la tua donna.

  • Scegli saggiamente e giudica più sugli stimoli cerebrali che sull'apparenza.

Life Low, Life High, Life Journey, Life Learning, and/or Life Missabuse

Remember I can read for you, but first you must listen, secondly you remember, thirdly you shall interpret the information. Fourthly make it your information, fifthly just paint.

You Want It, I Got It, Come on and Get It.

U W IT, I G IT, C o a G IT

fred är, har, och/eller förblir kvinnornas svar på gåtan.

Fred ishas, and/or forever will be the answer on the riddle of the women.

Renesas Redundance Resonance Patient for Each and Everyone.

human change, in range, to gong, and song.
situation adapted, love/conversation/code of conduct/code of principles.
Man is made to face and have challenges.

Some chooses, Professional, other Private.

Whoever you are GOOD LUCK.

fred says, approach life with pragmatic, humble, stubborn, kind, open, endurance, and/or educationaleyes/touch.

Start the day by saying hello and go with the flow.

there are liberties, legal rights, and obligations all under own responsibility.

you do, do you, so do.

different, different, and different.

women to me are creatures of love. 

 to love you be you

wop woman organ masturbations or must man under stairs tear or wal woman all la

To get satisfaction, you get into action.

the best, net is the love-jet.

THE Life Recipes are WantTryand Dare and You Will Accomplish.

See, Breath, and Be

Do it your Way, in your Pace e.g. CalmCode of Principle, and Right.

Always be on yourself right or you will constantly fight.

Toute a fait votre vrai ou vous fait mauvais.

Var dig alltid trogen eller ta fram boken.

Toute presque fine comme la vie, je suis vieux mon dieu, mais je travaille chaque jour comme d’or jour.

Life is about to end, do you not send, do as me just bend, and you might find peace to the end.

I always Wu a woman with googles of details, curiosity, and/or interests.

Alla borde vara glada, positiva, lärande, och/eller inte minst förstående.
I stället för arg, oresonlig, elak, och/eller helt fel.
All ought to be happy, positive, learning, and/or not at least understanding.
Instead of angry, unreasonable, mean, and/or totally wrong.

Afraid of, for, to, to-be. I say appreciate of, for, to, to-be.



Be Your-Self Before You Be With Some-One Else

Have your mind rightly set to be able to correct your life net.

Ha huvudet på skaft för att få ditt liv i balast

THE SIGNAL that you send ought to be the right you. Not what your partner or friend tells you what the signal should be like. Always guard yourself.

some sing, some dance, which gives them a chance to romance, just take the chance to dance

Je suis toute sure come une mure, est La ligne avec mon digne

if you see value in yourself, you might be of value to others.

if you have something to say, say it if not, do not

I [work] it

I [about, care, solve] it

communication in all forms shall be with the recipient in mind

some questions are not authorized, nand/nor relevant

aim for the stars and you might pass the bars.

the way to the future with a glimpse of history

last year<-30Y _ -30Y<yesterday<-5Y _ -5Y<today<+5Y _+5Y<tomorrow<+30Y _ +30Y<next year

Some say sign and drive, I say blind and dine

Endel saker kan vara läskigt, läskande, läckert, men även lämpligt :)

Some things might be scary, sodish, spectable but also suitable :)

Time to time you experience things that are honoring, sometimes humiliating but fore-most


Ibland är man med om saker som hedrande i vissa fall förnedrande men främst av allt


Well spent money is cost effective.

Väl använda pengar är värdefulla.

PLEASE do online surveillance check before you purchase any item, food, snus, boots, cellphones, and/or you name it.
Good, valued product for a cost-effective price, but on the other hand you pay for what you get.

In order to get into harmony, you have to have two things/maps straight, which are essential for me my own for being able to function, they are rhythm and motivation i.e. how you function and how you are. Please map yourself before you do an another.

to have the plausible way forward after 1000 days and one night you must be on very same page - 6 sense.

humor is the most important thing in all communication. in order to be on the same level or able to reach out, deliver so each and everyone are able to follow e.g. laugh with the joke or too it - rhythm, clothes and/or you name it.

each and everyone that makes you feel bad shall immediately be dissolved. unless it is a necessary work-relationship.  

if you take persons for granted, judge, and/or misinterpret, you have a long way home.

as a swede born and raised, I truly can say, there is no excuse for not trying. hence there is one thing to get the job another thing to get it on.

 i believe that man works best with clear, distinctive, and reachable goals. whether they are to be taken care of, on at free-time or at work. at university i was taught that the real time and costs shall be multiplied by 𝝅.

some say you are your own good, but say you are your own captain, my captain.

A man shall be complete on two feet hence a relationship shall be complete on four feet.

I always have had a free spirit of mind no matter of appearance and/or hierarchy status. [unprejudiced] i.e. talk to each and everyone.

Sus och Dus blir aldrig automatiskt med både Rus och Brus.

If you respect yourself and others, consequently others might respect you. Treat yourself and others good, consequently others might treat you good. Do the best for you and others, consequently others might do the best for you.

The quiet man do always pull the stand, hence talkative man never have a chance.

ALWAYS: Stand corrected to the Jury.

Looking at pictures from the past and addition remember the history, I guess I am 12,5% Arabic-Medicine-Calm, 12,5% Italian-Language-Rythm, 25% Deutch-Engineer-Accuracy, 25% Polish-Formalism-Endurance, and 25% Danish-Adverts-Joy, hence I am suede by birth.

Hence, by odor, I am Arabic-50% and Danish-50%.

Top-Knowledge-Based in the Electrical Field

I go from History-Now-Future




Additionalities from my life

Lovisa and Bianca OnL I W Dine -

J-LO _ U Glow Flow, with J-LO, _  j-lo, j-lo, j-lo

CAIA Beauty is our Duti

chevrolEt – vehiclEt_cers

MerCedEs-BenZ - MCEBZ

MINO-pasta to U All

MINO-pasta per tutti anche i BANBINO

MINO-pasta per tutti anche


GOOGLE - GO Online Great Lead Earth

wor(1)d - game -

SWEDEN – Scandinavia WE Do Enable Nature

CITROËN - Can Il TRès cOnduit ËN

PEUGOUT - un PEU Gâteaux vOitUre Très

AUDI - Auto Und Deutch Ich

NOKIAN TYRES - Finish specia1

aUDI - and U Drive Intelligent

Circle K - 4 Ur Car and Belly

mercedes – humble to all competitors

Honda u n m n m Honda


Ich Porsche – Porsche Ich

sportbutiken, glöm inte det

husvagnen KABE, husvagnarnas kabanoss

Caravan, adria, home

Husvagn, adria, hem

sssooocccccceeerrr TEAMsweden

take take Langley Ur voyager take take Langley Ur voyager LLAANNGGLLEEYY voyager

Stadium är en sportbutik helt unik (stad I ljus - låt) karl karl karl karl mera mera mera

produkter produkter produkter produkter

Rent Vehicles at EUROPCAR.COM - Rent Vehicles at EUROPCAR.COM



Gay u mAy, everYday - GAY – till hemmet, och lite, till -

jeans, lee-jeans,

music-instruments _ _ music-instruments

Coffee-LAVAZZA to See, and LAVAZZA.SE


LAVAZZA.SE - KAFFE - – bo, se, och lev - - golf så in i norden -

billiga-arbetsklä till alla, kvinnor och män

TYRE-GOODYEAR Four season is the only reason

SKODA Cars Drive as F1 Star

SKI STAR U and Ur Skis ski star

AUDI.COM sehr guht auto AUDI.COM


BMW.COM Durch Abfahrtstreche oder Durch Abfahrtstrecke, vie alles, oder wie alles - vie gehts alles, oder wie geht's alles

bilköpes - vikö - rå köpes bilen, dvs befintligt skick

WIlsoN golf -

cobra - så bra - so golf ( så bra golf - so good golf

dragkrokar för experter -

VOLT – SNUS - VOLT_(nicotine_pouches)

wor(l)d - game -

music ROCK group TAKIDA, at the kick DOCK loop MANILA

Gay u mAy, everYday - GAY

loka-vatten med smak, även i kolsyrat, kan sin sak

internet-web-page, in my age,

Six sixt xarz

Words from Microsoft stay addicted

Six sixt xarz


My Quotes in SV EN DE FR ES IT

  • Dildo man can fido

From Swedish Television.

  • The sport fanatic Husband, are about see television, from the couch.

  • He searches for the remote control, and cannot find it.

  • He looks in the bag, belonging to his wife, and find a plastic stick.

  • Very very glad and surprised he asks her, why she has a baton in her bag. 😊

  • Some women make you drifting other lifting on a general term just dipping

  • See saw seen that’s what I mean.

  • Norwegian Words _ Pisse-Nøtter(Peanuts), Pisse-Vann(Apple Juice), and/or Pisse-Snus(Public-snus)

  • Som flickan sade jag finner inga ord gud vad den är stor

  • I am the man who can danceevery woman into the bed romance 😊

  • Jeans, you mean, and so keen its Lee.

  • fred de suède, pour vous mon amour, je suis  comme une colibri, je dormi chaque nuit avec vous mon marrie.

  • Att ha sexuellt kuligt är helt naturligt.

  • Women shall smell like a cellscream and lean.

  • Women shall smell like a cell.

  • Kvinnors odör bör göra en förförd

  • en kvinna ska aldrig bita av love.

  • in addition, and in conjunction you might feel the addiction to the junction

  • SAFT (JUICE) My interpretation Summer Affirmation For Tibelings.

  • With the ladies eyes and smiles my heart fights and dies.

  • Glide the time with the rime, there where women heart - start.

  • The shape of the day, the smile of a five, with the eyes in disguise.

  • I tried to hide, and sleep so deep, black jeans in dreams.

  • My as is huge but cute.

  • The night and the knight might be the right.

  • what you do and go through, becomes you.

  • Some need fire in the sheet in order to feel complete. Others a mate to date.

  • Fysik-tolerans VS Järn-substans. Ibland bara Fiffi som behöver Piffi.

  • Sucked anatomically since birth, just saying.

  • love remains the same to a dane.

  • Alle pour la dance,prend le cochon et couche.

  • Skynda att dansa, ta grisen och handla.

  • The third Leg pull the Bed.

  • Finns det möbler som håller måttet även för skottet.

  • She is waiting at the copy machine and breathing forcefully and mean.

  • Hellre en rejäl stor rumpa, än en som ger en pyspunka.

  • Vissa kvinnor kan få män till att bli monogama, andra män till att bli banan-monogam.

  • The bones crack as I it in stack.

  • Monday-winter is here but do not fear, as long as you have gear to wear

  • damn good to see, Bamse so free

  • when Bamse grows, she pussy shows

  • My lady your lips and hips are gods` lovely gifts.

  • Mi señora tus labios Son regalos encantadores de Dios.

  • Brumelisa you darling show the way with a light and Bamse will preparing for the night

  • Att offra sin häck för få två brudar näck är väl ändå bra fräckt men ändå kanske käckt

  • Nudi quite cute, string Bing fling

  • It is almost illegal to be too sexy - mr mosley

  • At Debacle and Cackle there is Chance to Dance

  • heldre låta det ta tid i sitt val av dam eller bli som dan

  • flyg och far medans du kuken har

  • Efter jag sugit till får jag göra, med kvinnan, vad jag vill 

  • Bara så du vet har jag karra karra i balla balla

  • Tänk om man fick att drämma Bamse i ränna

  • livets ske(en)den, skeden är livet.

  • a ai est a ai c’est le question.

  • If you touch it, I smash it. - Rör du så dör du.

  • Den dagliga motionen är bra för donen likaså tonen och det märks i orden.

  • A woman ought to be “poplying” i.e. Sparkling-Interesting-Gordius.

  • En Kvinna bör vara “Läskande” m.a.o. Strålande-Intressant-Fantastisk.

  • If you as woman having problems to get fountain orgasms, I may suggest a miniature vacuum cleaner, so-called fuse links. six-zero-one-two-seven.

  • Vid medel så gäller, Den som spar han har den. Vidare vid lö/a-ven är det bara att ösa med spaden.

  • Pussitiv herre i bästa dar som vet vart han ändan har. Solen har ibland varit dukat på borden. Tomater är för mig handgranater.

  • Bachata is the ultimate dance for a chance to a romance - GOOD LUCK!

  • Das Schönste, was man tun kann, ist, gegen den Wind zu wichsen, also auf sich selbst zu wetten.

  • The nicest thing you can do is jerk off against the wind, i.e. bet on yourself.

  • Den Fes när hon med magen knep

  • FAEA

  • For All Evolution Away

  • Face As Eyes Aerobics

  • Fabulous And Esteem Always

  • Fart Alarm End Anyway

  • Vous été très jolie sure l’internet est come la vie vous été très net.

  • Enquière come tu faires avec mon savonne.

  • Faire l’amour ensemble c’est bonne come toujours.

  • A man can do, do can man.

  • It is a mans job, the job is the man.

  • Följsamt, Lättsamt och Naturligt.

  • Högt, Klart och Tydligt.

  • Praktiskt Billigt och Användbart exempelvis En Filt kan bli en Kilt

  • Från ända till ända via slända får mig att tända

  • Mängda

  • Sända

  • Hända

  • *

  • Flämta

  • Mannen som vet punkten G fixar en skvätt lätt

  • Mätt

  • Sätt

  • Stjärt

  • Plätt

  • Since I became fifeteen I never been so in steam.

  • Dream

  • Lean

  • Seen

  • Keen

  • Mean

  • Machine

  • Fittin

  • Bjässen vilken best du måste var bäst i sex.

  • Pudding you are the workers star but I want a buity bailar.

  • Quite decent around sixty preferably hippt but not strippy.

  • Som flickan sa gud som i himmelen bor gud vad den är stor.

  • Slightly Tightly Gay or Ej

  • Byxa är för Yxa Toa är för Loa

  • Desto Fler Ler med Mer

  • Nalle Salle från Bamse Balle

  • Det är Döden för Flöden med en grabb från Södern

  • Gåtan är Tagen när Kåtan är Magen

  • Ord Darra när Ögon Falla

  • Käppar Resa när Hesa Läppar Fesa

  • Ballen Jäser och Fittan Fräser

  • Yours eyes and lips are all I want to kiss and the as is a real blast, Yes it so blending so my brain is melting. When I you smell I can do tell, it is very cozy nearly>froze.

  • The female curve was a good serve in the morning, and with her love I will never have mourning.

  • Votre clé exploser quand je suis vous massage.

  • Vous été très bonne figure arrière ce n’ai pas discrète, c’est que j’adore toujours mon amour.

  • The fantasy and the imagination are the only things that puts the limits, for everything.

  • Vid vilket Debackel och Kackel finns det Chans till Dans.

  • Lika barn leka bäst så är det skrivet i Bibeln. Singlar dejtar singlar. Barnlösa dejtar barnlösa. Singel morsor leker med singel farsor och singel farsor leker med singel morsor.

  • Vid drag och sug i sloon kan det komma kul Himel lution.

  • Efter elva år som singel blir det troligtvis lite vingel att doppa veken i smeten.

  • Jobba kämpa och gneta så kanske du får feta på meta.

  • Impression gives expression and which gives Footprint.

  • Get over it and cut loos brother. Kom över det och släpp det bara bror.

  • My Captain at work always said I just bend back and put my hands in the pocket of my trousers when I disagree. I never understood that concept. Pick your fights worth winning I say but never never forget injustice.

  • If you are in balance in head and body you can do whatever you like and not become addicted.

  • You may put a man or a woman in different love position either they are seen as: Reproduction Love, Mony love, and/or finally just LOVE.

  • I say go deep down and do your job and have it done.

  • Vad är det att känna det är bara skinn som bara vill in.

  • När kåtheten slår till gör man vad man vill.

  • Är det verkligen möjligt att få göra som man vill, enligt mig ja bara det är lagligt.

  • Man or mouse I just say I am a Mouse-man.

  • Do it yourself and you will be surprised.

  • Each and everybody who wants, have a position to fit into.

  • Alla som vill, har en funktion att fylla.

  • Mycket bättre med en prinsessa i sängen än flera på ängen.

  • När allt kommer omkring är det bara Bamse som vill in.

  • Even god ideas are likely to be wrong after exhausted and repeated numerous times.

  • Även bra idéer är troligtvis helt felaktiga om dom är uttjänade och upprepade ett antal gånger.

  • When you repeat yourself in high pitched tone merely demonstrate lack of knowledge.

  • Embrace the day because it here today.

  • Jag vill ha fittor i mängd så att jag blir totalt däng.

  • Kvinnlig kärleksvätska är det bästa. Jag vill ha massa mus bus.

  • Jag har kommit till jorden för att jag kan den kvinnliga koden.

  • En härlig kvinnlig rumpa får min ögon och blunda.

  • Jag vill ha gränslös kärlek och närhet.

  • I det fria sexuella Sverige kommer vi varandra närmre.

  • Det enda sättet att stoppa den är i munnen. Ahlgrens bilar

  • Sluggern slår till när han vill.

  • Ögon penetrering med verifiering.

  • Manligheten får sig en törn när bamse ger kvinnorna lön.

  • En gudfruktig kvinna försvinner aldrig från min näthinna.

  • När jag på rumpan vickar alla tjejer nickar. 

  • The mature manner makes a man.

  • When you here the mist skip French kiss.

  • Gentlemen the world contains numerous of babes who wants to be your slave.

  • Till alla kvinnor som är kåta ni kan alla få åka.

  • Det är inte för mig en gåta hur man får kvinnorna våta.

  • Alla har drömt att dom Bamse tömt.

  • Köttets makt är för mig överflödigt sagt.

  • Bamse växer med kvinnans dräkter.

  • Jag är lillebror med bättre takt och don.

  • När gubben är på jobbet gör brevbäraren jobbet.

  • Det är häcken som gäller för näcken.

  • The beast is so neat.

  • Pengar är skit när det bygger på lotteri.

  • Over the mountain and over the hill you take it chill with the mojäng.

  • Jag tillfredsställer kvinnorna verbalt och sentimentalt med ord från traktat.

  • T’aime tojour come l’amor

  • Love comes and goes never ever rest on your roads. The Devil might bite your as and it might last. Do not be a love fool if they treat you like a tool.

  • Feast on the east and have sex for the rest.

  • Kärlek är inga hinder den som söker finner.

  • Love your body and mind and you will find.

  • Pengar ska varken vara drivkraft eller lösning snarare ett medel att förverkliga sina drömmar. Pengar förvärvade genom arbete ger självförtroende och mening med livet. Jobbfamiljen ger dig mening till att vara frisk.

  • Money should neither be a driving force nor a solution, rather a means to realize one's dreams. Money acquired through work gives confidence and meaning in life. The family at work give you a meaning to stay healthy. _ MUSIC-SONGS _

Julsång - Man - Kvinna – Soffa - Flaska – Kammar - Ordning på den jäveln – Tjugofemte - Må det gå bra nu

Christmas song - Man - Woman - Sofa - Bottle - Cams - Order on that bastard - Twenty-fifth - May it go well now

Weihnachtslied - Mann - Frau - Sofa - Flasche - Cams - Befehl auf diesen Mistkerl -  Fünfundzwanzigste - Möge es jetzt gut gehen

Chanson de Noël - Homme - Femme - Canapé - Bouteille - Cames - Commandez sur ce bâtard - Vingt-Cinquième - Puisse-t-il bien se passer maintenant

Canción de Navidad - Hombre - Mujer - Sofá - Botella - Cams - Orden en ese bastardo - Vigésimo quinto - Que ahora le vaya bien

Canzone di Natale - Uomo - Donna - Sofà - Bottiglia - Cam - Ordina a quel bastardo – Venticinquesimo - Che vada bene ora

Köra - Drive - Treiben - Conduire - Conducir - Guida












































I see myself as a man with....


  • SV _ Snabb, Kraft, Uthållighet, Värme, Reaktiv, och Livlig.

  • EN _ Fast, Force, Endurance, Heat, Reactive, and Lively.

  • DE _ Schnell, Kraft, Ausdauer, Wärme, Reaktionsfähigkeit, und Lebendig.

  • FR _ Rapide, Force, Endurance, Chaleur, Réactif, et Vif.

  • ES _ Rápido, Fuerza, Resistencia, Calor, Reactivo, y Vivo.

  • IT _ Veloce, Forza, Resistenza, Calore, Reattivo, e Vivace.


  • SE Jag ser mig själv som en man med Livsfarliga Ögon och ett Jävla Bett i Tungan

  • EN I see myself as a man with Lethal Eyes and Spicy Tung

  • DE Ich sehe mich als Mann mit tödlichen Augen und würzigem Tung

  • FR Je me vois comme l’homme aux yeux mortels et au tung épicé

  • ES Me veo a mí mismo como un hombre con ojos letales y tung picante

  • IT Mi vedo come un uomo con occhi letali e tung picante

  • SE Utpumpad, men/och/eller/endast Trött, men/och/eller/endast Kämpa

  • EN Exhausted, but/and/or/just Tired, but/and/or/just Fight

  • DE Erschöpft, aber/und/oder/nur Müde, aber/und/oder/nur Kämpfen

  • FR Épuisé, mais/et/ou/juste Fatigué, mais/et/ou/juste Lutte

  • ES Agotado, pero/y/o/justo Cansado, pero/y/o/justo Luchar

  • IT Esausto, ma/e/o/soltanto Stanco, ma/e/o/soltanto Lotta

  • SE Trött, men/och/eller/endast Utpumpad, men/och/eller/endast Kämpa

  • EN Tired, but/and/or/just Exhausted, but/and/or /just Fight

  • DE Müde, aber/und/oder/nur Erschöpft, aber/und/oder/nur Kämpfen

  • FR Fatigué, mais/et/ou/juste Épuisé, mais/et/ou/juste Lutte

  • ES Cansado, pero/y/o/justo Agotado, pero/y/o/justo Luchar

  • IT Stanco, ma/e/o/soltanto Esausto, ma/e/o/soltanto Lotta

  • SE Den Ultimata Renheten

  • EN The Ultimate Purity

  • DE Die Ultimative Reinheit

  • FR La Pureté Ultime

  • ES La Máxima Pureza

  • IT La Purezza Suprema

  • SE Jag i min egen person upplever saker utifrån mina personliga förutsättningar och kunskaper.

  • EN I in my own person experience things based on my personal circumstances and knowledge.

  • DE Ich erlebe in meiner eigenen Person Dinge, die auf meinen persönlichen Bedingungen und Kenntnissen beruhen.

  • FR Moi-même, je vis des choses en fonction de ma situation personnelle et de mes connaissances.

  • ES Yo, en mi propia persona, experimento las cosas basadas en mis circunstancias personales y conocimiento.

  • IT Io sperimento personalmente le cose in base alle mie circostanze e conoscenze personali.

  • SE Alla nödvändiga förändringar skall göras, så snart vid tillfälle. Alla frivilliga förändringar skall endast göras, då du är i balans med dig själv.

  • EN All necessary changes must be made, as soon as possible. All voluntary changes should only be made when you are in balance with yourself.

  • DE Alle notwendigen Änderungen müssen so schnell wie möglich vorgenommen werden. Alle freiwilligen Veränderungen sollten nur vorgenommen werden, wenn du mit dir selbst im Gleichgewicht bist.

  • FR Toutes les modifications nécessaires doivent être apportées, dès que possible. Tous les changements volontaires ne doivent être faits que lorsque vous êtes en équilibre avec vous-même.

  • ES Todos los cambios necesarios deben realizarse lo antes posible. Todos los cambios voluntarios solo deben hacerse cuando estás en equilibrio contigo mismo.

  • IT Tutte le modifiche necessarie devono essere apportate il prima possibile. Tutte le modifiche volontarie dovrebbero essere apportate solo quando si è in equilibrio con se stessi. - Advertisements

Ur Jewel Friend _

Lovisa and Bianca OnL I W Dine -

J-LO _ U Glow Flow, with J-LO, _  j-lo, j-lo, j-lo

CAIA Beauty is our Duti

chevrolEt – vehiclEt_cers

MerCedEs-BenZ - MCEBZ

MINO-pasta to U All

MINO-pasta per tutti anche i BANBINO

MINO-pasta per tutti anche


GOOGLE - GO Online Great Lead Earth

wor(1)d - game -

SWEDEN – Scandinavia WE Do Enable Nature

CITROËN - Can Il TRès cOnduit ËN

PEUGOUT - un PEU Gâteaux vOitUre Très

AUDI - Auto Und Deutch Ich

NOKIAN TYRES - Finish specia1

aUDI - and U Drive Intelligent

Circle K - 4 Ur Car and Belly

mercedes – humble to all competitors

Honda u n m n m Honda


Ich Porsche – Porsche Ich

sportbutiken, glöm inte det

husvagnen KABE, husvagnarnas kabanoss

Caravan, adria, home

Husvagn, adria, hem

sssooocccccceeerrr TEAMsweden

take take Langley Ur voyager take take Langley Ur voyager LLAANNGGLLEEYY voyager

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produkter produkter produkter produkter

Rent Vehicles at EUROPCAR.COM - Rent Vehicles at EUROPCAR.COM



Gay u mAy, everYday - GAY – till hemmet, och lite, till -

jeans, lee-jeans,

music-instruments _ _ music-instruments

Coffee-LAVAZZA to See, and LAVAZZA.SE


LAVAZZA.SE - KAFFE - – bo, se, och lev - - golf så in i norden -

billiga-arbetsklä till alla, kvinnor och män

TYRE-GOODYEAR Four season is the only reason

SKODA Cars Drive as F1 Star

SKI STAR U and Ur Skis ski star

AUDI.COM sehr guht auto AUDI.COM


BMW.COM Durch Abfahrtstreche oder Durch Abfahrtstrecke, vie alles, oder wie alles - vie gehts alles, oder wie geht's alles

bilköpes - vikö - rå köpes bilen, dvs befintligt skick

WIlsoN golf -

cobra - så bra - so golf ( så bra golf - so good golf

dragkrokar för experter -

VOLT – SNUS - VOLT_(nicotine_pouches)

wor(l)d - game -

music ROCK group TAKIDA, at the kick DOCK loop MANILA

Gay u mAy, everYday - GAY

loka-vatten med smak, även i kolsyrat, kan sin sak

internet-web-page, in my age,

Six sixt xarz

Words from Microsoft stay addicted

Six sixt xarz


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